Thursday, January 24, 2013

And I saw your face...

I finally saw your face for the first time yesterday.  It was amazing.  You finally look like a baby and not a peanut!!  And I saw your legs, and your arms... sleeping on your side, definitely like mommy & daddy.

And your heart was beating strong, I've seen it in the past but yesterday I got to hear your heart beat.  I was very close to losing it and crying but your daddy couldn't seem to hear it so I was trying to refrain so he too could enjoy in the sound.

You're getting bigger and bigger... and I can definitely feel that you're in there.  I'm not sure if what I feel are movements, or just gas / digestion.  But soon enough, I imagine I'll feel you move your arms and move your legs.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

1st Pregnancy Annoyance

I've read multiple articles and message boards about the annoying and sometimes rude things people say to you while you're pregnant.  How to respond, how to handle these messages, and what to anticipate that they'll say in the first place.  Well, being only 13 weeks pregnant, I haven't had too much of the opportunity to discuss said pregnancy with people, and therefore haven't given them the chance to say something that rubs me the wrong way.

Until today.

Back track - we went last night to a viewing for a very close friend of the family who had passed away.  It was one of the first times we (hubby & I) openly discussed the pregnancy with those around us.  Even complete strangers.  Today was the funeral, and at the wake thereafter, I was told twice:

"That baby is going to be so spoiled."

Why does this bother me so?  I mean, it probably is true.  This being our first child, and we want to be able to give him/her everything.  This will also be the first grandchild for all the grandparents, and in some instances the first great grand child.  All the cards line up to say that yes, this child may be spoiled.  But it irks me to hear someone say it to me.  Two different people at that.

Am I just being hormonal?  Perhaps.

Is it slightly inappropriate to presume and say to a pregnant woman?  Perhaps.

Regardless, yes - you probably will be spoiled baby Milam.  But I just don't want people to say so.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Things to eat once the baby is born

Coconut shrimp
Steamed shrimp
Steamed crabs...
Peanut butter & apricot jelly sandwich
Peanut M&M's

Instead of looking at this and saying "These are things I want but can't eat!", I'm trying to take the more optimistic road by saying "I look forward to eating these in July / August".

We've narrowed it down to two crib / dresser sets, in which our family has graciously offered to pay for.  This makes things tremendously easier on us - especially with our champagne tastes.  Our original plan was that we would buy the crib, dresser, and glider with a portion of our tax refund.  Well, with two of those three taken care of, the glider was the only thing left.  I've had a difficult time finding a glider on the babies 'r us website that didn't have several negative reviews claiming that "I'm really short and I can't rest my head on this!!! meh!!", so I expanded my search elsewhere.  I asked our neighbors who had a baby boy in May where their glider was from (I'd seen it before and knew it was the exact style and color I wanted), and they said Burlington Coat Factory.  Burlington Coat Factory of all places!!!  I've never shopped at this store in my life.  Long story short - after visiting one store then calling all over the state of Maryland, we finally found 1 store with 1 of this specific glider.  My husband went to pick it up, and while it was already a good price comparatively at $350 (included ottoman), the cashier gave him a 20% off coupon!  Yay us! :)  And with some tickets we've sold recently and a football pool my husband partakes in, our profits more than paid for the chair.

At this point, we're 12 weeks and 3 days and I'm starting to feel better for the most part in regards to nausea and food aversions.  I do still tire easily and it's difficult to get out of bed in the morning.  My body tends to ache which is inconvenient.  My belly is starting to get a little bigger.  Today my jeans are unbuttoned and held together with a hair tie.  They could be buttoned and be fine - but I have been more wary of tight pants recently.

Duncan went ahead and did the honors of providing the first scratch(es) on your brand new, gorgeous, expensive floors.  Blame him.